Sex and the City, as clichéd as it has become, spurred many a trend -- some lasting longer than others. First there was that third season fancy for over-sized silk flowers pinned onto lapels. (From the looks of Isaac Mizrahi's Spring 2008 collection, he's still into it.)
Then came the million and one Sex-and-the-City-isms, and the rise in popularity of the straight-talking blogger. After all, who didn't want to incarnate Carrie as she sat draped over her laptop, tapping away with a sassy, diary-like narration of life in the Big Apple? Well, if not only for just one short Manolo-obsessed, Cosmo-slurping second.

So to use that very Bradshaw-like device, I got to thinking…with flower pins cast aside, if I don't want to personify the style of SJP, who would my personal fashion muse for coffeehouse pondering and laptop draping be?
Take one part Brigitte Bardot in Bonnie and Clyde, mix in modern echoes from Marc Jacobs' Fall 2007 RTW Collection, and, for autumn I'll look no further for the perfect twist on café couture. Add lashings of Bonnie's sultry cinched-waist style and just-plucked-from- a-sidewalk-cafe demeanor, et voilà. Just pass me the Gauloises, because with a belted trench and a slick of rouge there’s surely no better way to be seen pulling up a chair at a wannabe Café de Flore.
Which, as Miss Bradshaw would say, gets me to thinking about something else, Garçon where's my Pastis?